Acting Level 3

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Course Details
This course is equivalent to an A Level and is taken together with two other A Level subjects. You will develop your knowledge about the principles of acting and various acting styles by studying well esteemed theatre practitioners such as Stanislavski and Brecht. This will then help you to create fabulous shows on stage. You will also learn about the various job roles in the industry. You will also have the opportunity to do extra workshops with industry professionals and see
various outstanding theatre performances.

How is this course assessed?
This course will be assessed through practical coursework and performance.

Which other courses does this combine well with?
Dance, Music and any other A Level Subjects (e.g. English Literature, Sociology, Law, Psychology).

What is the Qualification?
Qualification – Cambridge Technical Ext. Certificate
Level – 3 (equivalent to one A Level)

What are the entry requirements?
5 GCSEs at grade 4 or above.

An audition will also be required.

What are the modules and units?
– Performing Projects
– History of Acting Techniques
– Community and Theatre in Education Projects
– Working in the Industry
– Arts Admin
– Audition Techniques

What about careers?
Various job roles in the industry such as: Actors, Directors, Stage Managers, Set/Costume Designers and Lighting Designers. People who study acting also develop careers in other areas such as Psychology, Law or Business.