Leaders of learning conference 2019

Leaders of learning conference 2019

The Leaders of Learning conference is designed to help students in the Gifted & Talented Academy to acquire the study skills, curiosity, personal habits and organisational competencies that are critical to succeeding in college.

The day started with a panel of our Year 2 students sharing their learning journey and the lessons they learnt from their first year at college.

Kainath Malik, who’s in her second year studying Biology, Chemistry & Psychology, shared her experiences on the Extended Project Qualification (equivalent to half an A Level) and her chosen topic of ‘Should Antibiotics be free to all’. She explained how she tailored news notification on her phone to deliver articles related to her chosen topic and the benefits of undertaking the EPQ to strengthen subject knowledge and career/university prospects.

The panel included students from all Pathways and students studying both A Levels and Vocational courses (and a mixture of both). Simona, who is in her second year at Monoux studying Music, French and Business gave a thoughtful speech on the importance of personal reflection both academic and personally. Touching on the Monoux Passport, our termly session for students to reflect, Simona eloquently explained how the passport had helped her to be prepared by reflecting on her progress.

The conference was both insightful and informative, providing both staff and first year A Level students a glimpse into study skills, reflection and pushing past personal boundaries to maximise success in their chosen field.

“I’ve learnt that outside of class, I choose fight over flight. If there is a competitive opportunity, I compete” – Nadia Year 2, studying Business and Enterprise.

To check out video footage of our Year 2 panel, check out our social media platforms.